
The following section describes the installation of the C and Fortran interface of the library. If you want to install the interface for another programming language, you have to follow the instructions of the manual of that language.

Quick instructions

Here are the quick steps needed to install the library on Unix systems. In the following instructions, you must replace /home/mylogin/mydir by the directory location where you want to install calceph.

If you use the gnu gcc and gfortran compilers, the steps are :

tar xzf calceph-4.0.1.tar.gz
cd calceph-4.0.1
mkdir build
cd build
CC=gcc FC=gfortran cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mylogin/mydir ..
cmake --build . --target all
cmake --build . --target test
cmake --build . --target install

If you use the Intel c++ and fortran compilers, the steps are :

tar xzf calceph-4.0.1.tar.gz
cd calceph-4.0.1
mkdir build
cd build
CC=icc FC=ifort cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mylogin/mydir ..
cmake --build . --target all
cmake --build . --target test
cmake --build . --target install

If you use the llvm clang and flang compilers, the steps are :

tar xzf calceph-4.0.1.tar.gz
cd calceph-4.0.1
mkdir build
cd build
CC=clang FC=flang cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mylogin/mydir ..
cmake --build . --target all
cmake --build . --target test
cmake --build . --target install

If you use the Microsoft Visual C++ compilers, the steps are :

tar xzf calceph-4.0.1.tar.gz
cd calceph-4.0.1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mylogin/mydir ..
cmake --build . --target all
cmake --build . --target test
cmake --build . --target install


You need the following software to build the library

  • CMake, available at

  • a C compiler, such as gcc or clang or the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.

  • a Fortran compiler,such as gfortran or ifort, compliant with the Fortran 77, respectively 2003, specifications is required to compile the fortran-77/90/95, respectively fortran-2003, interface of the library.

The additional tools are required to build the documentation

  • the python packages : sphinx, six, sphinx-fortran, sphinx-rtd-theme, sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain. They can be installed using the command pip3

    pip3 install Sphinx six sphinx-fortran sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain
  • pdflatex, available with the software LaTeX, if PDF documentation is requested (-DENABLE_PDF=ON).

Additional requirements for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler

In addition to the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler and CMake, you also need the Universal CRT SDK or a Windows SDK.

The "Universal CRT (C runtime) SDK" or a "Windows SDK" are now provided with the Microsoft Visual Studio. You should verify that "Universal CRT (C runtime) SDK" or a "Windows SDK" is selected in the "Visual Studio Installer".

Detailed instructions

Here are the detailed steps needed to install the library :

  • tar xzf calceph-4.0.1.tar.gz

  • cd calceph-4.0.1

  • mkdir build

  • cd build

If you are on a Unix-like system :

  • cmake ..

If you are using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler :

  • cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

    Running cmake might take a while. While running, it prints some messages telling which features it is checking for.

    cmake recognizes the following options to control how it operates. The options must specified just after the name of software cmake : cmake <options> .. .

      Enable or disable the fortran-77 and fortran-2003 interface. The default is ON.
      Enable or disable the thread-safe version of the functions calceph_sopen() and calceph_scompute(), ... and concurrent access to the function calceph_compute(), .... The default is ON.
      Enable or disable the generation of the shared library, otherwise static library is build. The default is OFF, static library is built by default.
      Enable or disable the generation of the html documentation and its installation. The default is OFF.
      Enable or disable the generation of the PDF documentation and its installation. The default is OFF.
      Use dir as the installation prefix. See the command make install for the installation names.

    The default compilers could be changed using the variable CC for C compiler and FC for the Fortran compiler. The default compiler flags could be changed using the variable CFLAGS for C compiler and FCFLAGS for the Fortran compiler.


    The option -DENABLE_PYTHON... or -DENABLE_MEX_OCTAVE... should not be used. They are reserved for the installation of the python or mex interface.

  • cmake --build . --target all

    This compiles the CALCEPH Library in the working directory.

  • cmake --build . --target test

    This will make sure that the CALCEPH Library was built correctly.

    If you get error messages, please report them to (see Reporting bugs, for information on what to include in useful bug reports).

  • cmake --build . --target doc

    This builds the documentation of the CALCEPH Library if ENABLE_DOC was set to ON.

  • cmake --build . --target install

    This will copy the files calceph.h, calceph.mod and f90calceph.h to the directory /usr/local/include, the file libcalceph.a, to the directory /usr/local/lib, and the documentations files to the directory /usr/local/doc/calceph/ (or if you passed the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= option to cmake, using the prefix directory given as argument to -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= instead of /usr/local). Note: you need write permissions on these directories.

Other make Targets

There are some other useful make targets:

  • clean

    Delete all object files and archive files, but not the configuration files.